> Integration > Cargo Registry

JFrog +

Artifactory natively supports Cargo repositories for the Rust language, giving you full control of your deployment and the dependency resolution process of Rust crates through the Cargo package manager. Rust is an open-source systems programming language that focuses on speed, memory safety, and parallelism, and is used for a wide range of systems and embedded applications.


Secure Cargo Registries

Universal Cloud Native Solution


Enterprise Ready

Secure Cargo Registries

Create an unlimited number of private Cargo registries to securely share Rust crates across your organization through fine-grained access control based on teams, projects or other criteria. Proxy and cache Rust crates from the public crates.io repository with remote repositories, and aggregate local and remote resources under a single virtual Cargo repository to access all your Rust crates from a single URL.

Universal Cloud Native Solution

Build your Rust crates into containers stored in private Docker registries in Artifactory. Fully automate your CI/CD pipeline through Artifactory REST APIs and the JFrog CLI to store exhaustive build information with your containers for traceability to Cargo metadata. As your universal package manager for Cargo, Docker, Helm, and more, Artifactory is your single source of truth for cloud native apps.

Enterprise Ready

Whether on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid system, Artifactory is built to serve the most demanding enterprises. With advanced storage capabilities, high availability, multi-site geo-replication, and ready integration with SSO, Artifactory is massively scalable to enable global teams to collaborate with up to five-nines reliability.

Release Fast Or Die